Smoked Ribs with Maple-Horseradish Baste


Maple-Horseradish Glaze:

  • 2 cups pure maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup prepared horseradish, drained
  • 2 heaping tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon ancho chili powder
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper


  • 1/3 cup Spanish paprika
  • 3 tablespoons ancho chili powder
  • 3 tablespoons New Mexican chili powder
  • 2 tablespoons ground coriander
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 2 tablespoons kosher salt
  • 2 teaspoons ground black pepper
  • 3 cups wood chips (hickory, mesquite, or applewood)
  • 4 racks pork ribs (3 pounds each)


  1. Whisk all ingredients for the glaze together in a medium bowl. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
  2. Stir spices together in a medium bowl.
  3. About 1/2 hour before cooking time, soak hickory chips in enough water to cover. Drain chips. In a covered grill, place slow burning charcoal in both sides of a drip pan. Sprinkle coals with wood chips.
  4. Rub top side of each rack of ribs with about 3 tablespoons of the rub. Place ribs, bone side down, on grill. Close cover or place cover on the smoker. Grill about 1 1/2 hours, adding chips every 20 minutes. During the last 10 minutes of grilling, brush liberally with the Maple-Horseradish Glaze.

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